The 189th AHC Manifest is intended for the

members and friends ONLY of the

189th Assault Helicopter Family. 

If your information is not correct please send me an email and I will update it.

   Members Name   City/State/Zip Code    Email Address       Unit Service Date
Abel, Steve & Charlene Hampton, VA 23669 sabelceds@aol.com 189th 12/66-6/67
Alderson, Dale E. Hot Springs, AR 71913-5300 dalealderson365@gmail.com 189th 2/69-9/69
Allen, John & Wendy Deland, FL 32724 jnasnake@aol.com 189th 5/67-7/67
Allen, John L. Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 grider@bright.net 189th 5/68-5/69
Armstrong, Don Henniker, NH 03242-0899 189th
Ashley, Phil & Pam Worthington, OH 43085 bringiton37@gmail.com 189th/119th 10/66-5/68
Baker, Rob & Erin Wells, ME 04090 rebaker1@live.com 189th 7/69-6/70
Barron, Rick La Canada, CA 91012 189th 11/67-2/69
Baskett, David E. Santa Maria , CA 93455-1628 David.Baskett@gmail.com 604th 67-68
Baum, Bradford E. Dothan, Alabama 36303   189th
Benton, Neil & Donna Highland Village, TX 75077 neilbenton@icloud.com 189th 6/67-6/68
Berry, Michael Kearney, MO 64060 189th 5/69-4/70
Berryman, Rod & Jackie Gainesville, GA 30506 189th 5/70-3/71
Blankenship, Jerry & Lynn San Saba, TX 76877  jerlyn@centex.net 189th 8/67-7/68
Blodgett, John & Sharon Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 189th 5/67-5/68
Bonvillain, Gerald & Patsy Houma, LA 70360 glfan@hotmail.com 189th 5/67-5/68
Borders, Ronald & Tammy Valdosta, GA 31602 ron@ronborders.com 189th 5/67-5/68
Brock, David Tecumseh, MI 48286 604th 2/66-2/67
Brooks, Kim Kameron  Jamestown, NY 14781 kambrooks25@outlook.com 189th 6/69-6/70
Brown, John W. & Susan Olathe, KS 66062-4509 johnwbrown1948@gmail.com 189th 4/69-6/70
Burge, Bill & Sharon Somerset, KY 42503 somersettool@aol.com 604th 70-71
Burbridge, Lawrence Stubridge, MA 01566 lamarbur@cox.net 189th
Bushnell, Lee & Toni Tacoma, WA 98444-3324 604th 6/69-2/70
Callister, Timothy C. & Barbara Eagan, MN 55123 tim_callister@comcast.net 189th 10/69-10/70
Callow, Allen & Brenda Meadows Place, TX 77477 acallow1@cs.com 189th 1/68-9/68
Caples, Tom Marietta, GA 30064 tcflys@bellsouth.net 189th 1/70-12/70
Carrilo, Gilbert & Pearl Rowland Heights, CA 91748 gil187@aol.com 189th 2/68-3/69
Chomskis, Roman & Patrica Guntersville, AL 35976-8569 189th 69-70
Ciotta, Patsy J & Lucy Gladstone, NJ 07934 mrc14@verizon.net 189th 4/67-12/68
Clough, Gary Greenfield, MA 01301 garyclough@comcast.net 189th 11/69-11/70
Clines, Boyd Douglasville, GA 30135-5919 bclines@comcast.net 189th 6/67-6/68
Cockrell, Gordon & Lisa Republic, MO 65730 cloudtoucher2@yahoo.com 189th 2/70-3/71
Cole, Kenneth J. Coudersport, PA 16915 189th 11/66-3/67
Coleman, Glen & Joanne Green Bay, WI 54303  189th 1970
Collins, Bill & Vivian Morganton, GA  30560 189th 11/66-8/67
Comer, Kim C. & Vickie Cincinnati, OH 45239 189th 6/70-12/70
Compton, Richard (Dick) Moore Haven, FL 33471 richardcompton41@gmail.com 189th 1967
Cope, Brian D. Naple, FL 34114-2640 189th 3/70-8/70
Copelin, Larry & Patricia  Oxford,MS 38655-8622 189th
Cormier, Joe & Judy Moultonborough, NH 03254 feeddeer2@gmail.com 189th 5/67-2/69
Costandine, George Fountain, CO 80817 189th 11/66-5/68
Coulter, Dick & Cathy Leesburg, FL  34788 dickcoulter@reagan.com 189th 11/66-5/68
Craig, Mel & Donna Visalia, CA 93201 189th 10/67-10/69
Cranney, Wiley L. & Susan Visalia, CA 93292 dogs.r.us@earthlink.net 189th 6/68-6/69
Crumpton,  Hugh M. & Judith Tampa, FL 33606-2203 189th 5/58-12/68
Cunningham, James McMinnville, TN 37110 604th 5/67-5/68
Daily, Charles Clinton, WA  98236-8913 ctdaily@gmail.com 189th 68-69
Dalfonzo, Joseph & Joyce Springfield, VA 22153 jdalfonzo@verizon.net 604th 10/68-11/69
David, John S. & Patrica Gillette, WY  82716 johnsdavid@vcn.com 189th 7/69-7/70
Decker, Dexter & Joanne Adrian, MI 49221-9311 dexdecker@gmail.com 189th 7/69-7/70
Degarmo, Thomas & Charlotte Inverness, FL 34452 degarmocharlotte@gmail.com 189th 1/68-3/70
DeSerres, George Culpeper, VA 22701 georgedese@comcast.net 189th 12/66-6/67
Desper, Albert & Deborah Bridgecity, TX 77611 adesper175@yahoo.com 189th 67-68
Detillion, Dan & Karen Piketon, OH 45661 karendan28@columbus.rr.com 189th 2/69-2/70
Deuschle, Roger & Ronnie Warrenburg, MO 64093 189th
Dimond, Richard & Pauline Carlsbad, CA 92008 rdimond@sbcglobal.net 189th
Dobbs, Dale & Patty Whangaparaoa 0930 New Zealand Dobbziz@xtra.co.nz 189th 9/67-9/68
Donaldson, Gary & Diane Shawee Mission, KS 66227 garydianed@aol.com 6th 5/67-12/68
Donhauser, Phillip & Abigail Seneca, SC 29678 pdonhauser01@gmail.com 189th 5/67-10/67
Dowd, Roy Bad Address roy.dowd68@yahoo.com 189th 69-70
Dunning, Ward & Renee Cotuit, MA 02635-3225 reeniebee@comcast.net 189th 3/70-3/71
Dyal, Robert & Bobbie Bad Address 189th 5/67-5/68
Edwards, Frank & Mary Ann Sodus, NY 14551-9610 fedwardsmd@gmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Edwards, John P. & Jackie Carlinville, IL 62626 jpatrickedwards@earthlink.net 604th 8/70-9/70
Ellefson, Cliff   & Joan Billings, MT 59101 189th 12/68-5/69
Ellis, Joe & Wanda The Dalles, OR 97058 mymailellisjw@gmail.com 189th 11/68-12/69
Emslie, Don Blue Springs, MO 64015 don@staffordagency.com 189th 1/68-6/68
Engle, John J. & Nan Cape Coral, FL  33990-1956 walrus10@earthlink.net 189th 9/67-9/68
Englebert, Ellis Cusseta, GA 31805 189th 11/66-5/68
Eslinger, John & Suzanne Tucson, AZ  85715 jceslinger@msn.com 189th 70-72
Etling, Wayne & Judith Springfield, IL 62707 189 & 604th 2/67-5/68
Evanich, Michael J. Springfield, IL 62702 mick907@sbcglobal.net 189th 11/66-5/68
Evans, Gary Valdosta, GA 31602 189th 4/69-4/70
Falbo, John & Karen Mesa, AZ 85215 jdf49@cox.net 189th 10/68-10/69
Farrell, Roger T. & Tracy Rocky Face, GA 30740-2184 tarbaby_tracy@yahoo.com 189th 1/70-11/70
Figueroa, Jesse San Bernardino, CA 92403 604th 3/67-3/68
Finch, Thomas & Carolyn Brackney, PA 18812 tfinch808@aol.com 604th 6/68-2/69
Fisco, Richard & Barbara Brunswick, ME 04011 rfisco@hotmail.com 189th 5/67-5/68
Fishburn, Jim & Jutta Martinez, GA 30907 189th 67-68
Fitzgerald, Curtis & Sandra Palestine, TX 75801 189th 2/69-9/70
Fleming, Ron Oakland, CA 94605 189th 67-68
Fosco, Carl & Brenda Hudson Falls, NY 12839 carlfosco@yahoo.com 519th 1/70-2/71
Frakenfield, Tom & Lorraine Clermont, FL 34715 tfrankenfield@cfl.rr.com 189th 7/67-10/67
Francis, Dalton H. & annette Enterprise, AL 36330 8602 604th 10/68-11/69
Freid, Don & Pat LeSueur, MN 56058 donfreid2@mchsi.com 189th 3/69-4/70
Friedrich, Freddy Silsbee, TX 77656 189th
Fuhr, Larry & Mary Lynn Joplin, MO 64804-3961 larryfuhr@cableone.net 52d Pathfinder
Garbarino, George & Linda Pleasanton, CA 94566 macgarbz@comcast.net 189th 1/68-1/69
Garcia, Edgard & Blance Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 edgarciapaz145@gmail.com 604th 10/68-5/70
Garza, Albert Corpus Christi, TX 78417 gf0052@aol.com 189th 6/67-11/70
Gentry, Frank & Elaine Aquilla, TX 76622 ct2189ahc@hotmail.com 189th 5/69-3/70
Gilardi, Steve Lower Lake, CA 95457-1684 stephengilardi@gmail.com 189th 9/67-9/68
Gillen, Patrick Clarksville, VA 23927-2318 604th
Gillis, Travis (TO) & Melba Center, TX 75935 togillis@yahoo.com 189th 6/68-5/69
Gilmore, Steven & Cynthia Bad Address 189th 1970
Gladson, Robert & Carol Lemon Grove, CA 91945 189th 11/68-11/69
Gonzalez, Gilbert (Gil) & Aggie Willows, CA 95988 gilbertrgonzalez@sbcglobal.net 189th 3/69-10/70
Goralewicz, Tom Westminister, CO 80021-6456 tom_goralewicz@hotmail.com 189th
Graysneck, John & Carolyn Ardmore, OK 73401 189th 68-69
Green, Harry & Margie Edgar, Springs, MO 65462 189th
Greene, Leo & Victoria Mesa, AZ 85512 604th 70-71
Greenhall, Richard & Sharon Moulton, AL 35650 189th 12/69-11/70
Greenlaw, Pete A. & Deborah Prosperity, SC 29127 189th 68-69
Grega, Jack & Margaret Port Republic, MD 20676 jagreg@hotmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Grosbach, Peter & Janace Henrico, VA  23231 grosbach@comcast.net 189th 66-67
Grubbs, Dale & Layra Prince Frederick, MD 20678 grubbs46@comcast.net 189th 8/69-11/70
Gunn, Thomas & Beverly Quitman, TX 25783 gunn@texascellnet.com 189th 8/69-4/70
Haber, Wallin & Mary Lou Arlington, TX 76017-1214 189th 6/68-7/69
Hale, Jerry F. & Kim Killeen, TX 76549-2178 halejerry58@yahoo.com 189th 12/69-7/70
Hall, Donald & Linda Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 189th
Hall, Gary W. & Paulette Tocoma, WA 90418-6823 hallgw@aol.com 189th 10/69-10/70
Haller, Bill Brokenbow, NE 68822 189th 5/68-5/69
Hancock, Ronald D. & Karen Sherwood, AR 72120 189th 68-69
Hanson, John R. Jr. Franklin, NJ 07416-1217 189th 6/69-6/70
Haralson, Joe & Theresa Wilmington, NC 28405 jharalson@ec.rr.com 189th 8/69-2/70
Hattan, James & Shireen Folson, CA 95630-6112 jimhattan17@gmail.com 8/68-3/70
Hatton, John & Vergie Ceres, CA 95307-4401 slvrbear1@msn.com 189th 11/69-11/70
Hawk, John & Heidi Stewartsville, NJ 08886 hawkj@ptd.net 189th 69-70
Hayes, Ellis & Kathy Mocksville, NC 27208 189th 5/67-5/68
Henley, Lloyd & Deborah Glendale, AZ 85301-4324 189th
Henslee, Dave Salem, OR 97306-1503 jdhens@comcast.net 189th 2/68-8/68
Henson, Jimmie & Mary Enterprise, AL 36330 189th 9/67-9/68
Hernandez, Evaristo P. Seguin, TX 78155 tootalljones1434@att.net 189th 11/66-5/68
Hesselmeyer, Frank O'Fallon, MO 63366 189th 67-68
High, Denly D. & Carolyn Belton,  TX 76513 189th 10/69-10/70
Hoagland, Ray Youtville, CA 94599-0103 604th 4/68-12-68
Hogenmiller, Tom & Julia Bloomsdale, MO 63627 tjhogenmiller@bellsouth.net 189th 3/69-11/69
Holland, William E. & Olga San Diego, CA 92106 hollandwilliame@gmail.com 189th
Holman, Ray & Lynda Levittown, NY 11756 189th
Holt, Bill & Susan East Providence, RI 02914 susanholt34@gmail.com 189th 5/70-9/71
Hooper, Lynn & Lexalynn Alexandria, VA 22308 lynnhooper@hoopersqualitycars.com 189th 11/66-5/68
Hoskil, David & Eloise Waiane, HA 96792 189th
Hudson, Ron Crystal Springs, MS 39059-9157 rjhudson72@gmail.com 189th 12/68-12/69
Huskisson, James & Phyllis Demotte, IN 46310 phyllis0206@sbcglobal.net 189th 67-68
Ivey, Ramon A. & Ruth Azle, TX 76020-4915 azleiv@aol.com 189th 4/69-4/70
Jaress, Gene Mount Vernon, WA 98273-8639 mgjaress@comcast.net 189th 9/67-9/68
Jeffery, Larry & Luanne Cary, NC 27519 morjeffery@yahoo.com 189th 2/69-2/70
Jividen, Mike & Ruth Hillard, OH 43026 bkeyemike@aol.com 189th 1/70-7/70
Jochens, Rodney L. Houston, TX 77036-7402 189th 1967
Johndro, Dane & Hye Tacoma, WA 98445 189th 68-69
Johnson, Larry & Mary Sloan, IA 51055 189th
Johnson, Neal & Shirley Castle Rock, WA 98611-8925   nej51@comcast.net 189th 3/70-2/71
Johnston, James D. & Donna Ocala, FL 34476 189th 3/68-3/69
Karl, Luke & Peggy Stewartville, MO 64490 189th 68-69
Kelly, Phil Greenly, CO 80634-7413 uaw2209@aol.com 189th 7/69-4/70
Kennah, Larry St. Charles, MO 63303 lkennah@aol.com 189th 5/67-5/68
Kernahan, Harold & Petra Petaluma, CA 94954 kernahan@aol.com 189th 6/69-6/70
Kielbasa, Robert & Veeda Lewisburg, TN 37091 189th 8/68-8/69
Kimball, Larry & Barbara Cotopaxi, CO 81223-9304 kimball.magnuson@hughes.net 189th 4/67-4/68
Klemick, Dennis W. & Bonnie Racine, WI 53402 189th 1/67-7/67
Knapp, Harrison & CK Bartlett, IL 60103 airchild1945@aol.com 189th 1/68-7/69
Knotts, Buddy & Sherry Indian Trail, NC 28079 buddy@helivision.com 189th 69-70
Kraemer, Timothy & Jaqueline Glendale, AZ 85310 604/189th 67-68
Kravchak, Samual Sterling, VA 20164-4927 189th 11/67-5/68
Kreps, John & Rhonda Corsicana, TX 75110 john_kreps@msn.com 189th 8/68-2/69
Kroesch, Michael & Kim Temecula, CA 92592 mkroesch@gmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
LaBrier, Terry L. Lampe, MO 65681 tlabrier@hotmail.com 189th 4/68-12/68
LaCoursiere, Michael & Bonnie Bloominton, MN 55420 mikelac@comcast.net 189th 11/66-7/67
Lambright, Jan (Tex) Temple, TX 76502 janl581@yahoo.com 604th 68-69
Larner, Gary (Lee) Lehigh Acres, FL 33974 larnersrgaryl@yahoo.com 189th 5/67-5/68
Latham, Mark  & Janet Barberton, OH 44203 poolboylatham@gmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Leary, Patrick  & Melinda Pleasanton, CA 94566 leary_patrick@yahoo.com 189th 1/68-12/68
Lecomte, Tom & Patty Jefferson, MO 65101 189th 9/68-9/69
Lee, Arthur Dyersburg, TN 38024 189th 10/69-10/70
Lee, David A. & Karen Sisiters, OR 97759 ollokot2930@msn.com 189th 1/69-12/69
Leupold, Reynolds Corry, PA 16407 189th 6/68-6/70
Lesh, Gregg Wichita, KS 67205  Leshgregg@gmail.com 189th 4/70-4/71
Leslie, Jean F. & Valva Whitewater, KS 67154-9039 189th 9/66-10/67
Lester, Lionel & Peggy Cokerville, WY 83114 189th 67-68
Leva, Neil & Susan Rockport, TX 78382 vcco9@att.net 189th 1/68-6/68
Licina, Joseph Enterprise, AL 36330 189th
Lindsey, Jerry Tyler, TX  75703-5162 189th 10/67-10/68
Lodwig, Edward & Judy Williston.ND 58801 e.lodwig@wil.midco.net 604th 6/69-6/70
Lomonaco, James & Gail Chicago, IL 60605 imsunshine23@aol.com 189th 12/67-12/68
Long, Willie & Sybil Inglewood, CA 90302-4297 swiftnumbers@yahoo.com 189th 4/68-4/69
Lord, Emory & Brigitte Lillian, AL 36549 emory_lord@yahoo.com 189th 2/70-3/71
Loshe, Patrick & Nancy Sarasota, FL 34238 patrickloshe@yahoo.com 189th 3/69-3/70
Luhtanen, Lawrence & Coleen Cadillac, MI 49601 lluhtane@yahoo.com 604th 11/66-5/68
Magana, Arthur & Elena Oxnard, CA 98030 arthur.magana2015@gmail.com 189th 11/68-11/69
Main, David, Cynithia Highland Ranch, CO 80130 david_main21@yahoo.com 189th 3/69-2/70
Malenk, Edward Denver, CO 80230 emalenk@yahoo.com 189th 4/67-12/67
Mansour, Dan Mentor, Ohio 44060-7325 danny_1955@att.net 189th 10/69-8/70
Matherne, Johnny & Linda Marrero, LA 70072 peppi434@yahoo.com 189th 70-71
Matthes, Rick Newbury Park, CA 91320 189th 9/69-9/70
Mattingly, David Jenkins, KY 41537-0255 189th 5/68-8/69
Mcatee, Skip Topeka, KS 66606 skip101ks@yahoo.com 189th 9/69-2/70
McCloud, Bill & Sandra  Loveland, CO 80538 slmccloud_rn@msn.com 189th 1968-1969
McConchie, Robert & Carolyn Blue Springs, MO 64015-8783 robertwmcconchie@gmail.com 189th 67-68
McConnell, Charles & Amanda Gleen Allen, VA 23059 189th 3/69-3/70
McDonough, Joseph Lakeland, FL 33812-6369 189th 1968
McEachern, Robert & Linda Tupelo, MS 38801-8903 mceachernr@bellsouth.net 189th 9/68-9/69
McGowan, Gary Louise DeLand, FL 32720 gmcgowan5@cfl.rr.com 189 & 604th 5/67-12/68
McKinney, Arthur & Linda Alamogordo, NM 88310 arthur.y.mckinney.civ@mail.mil 189th 11/67-7/69
McLay, James M. & Sandra Lincolnton, NC 28093-1325 189th 2/68-11/68
McMullen, Norm & Marg Cypress, TX 77433 normmcm@gmail.com 189th 7/68-2/69
McRoberts, Philip L. & Gail Fairfax, VA 22032-3311 mcrobertsp@cox.net 189th 69-70
Meabon, Donald & Janice Ann Arbor, MI 48103 189th 12/66-2/68
Mealy, Tom & Denise Floyd, VA 24091 tkmealey@gmail.com 189th 67-68
Medic, Robert Omaha, NB 68152 189th 9/69-9/70
Meeker, George Griffin, GA  30224 adeadn@bellsouth.net 189 & 604th 68-69
Miller, Fred & Marsha Rochester, WA 98579 189th 12/67-12/68
Miller, John Marion & Marion Saint Louis, MO 63138-3662 edmjohn@charter.net 189th 11/66-4/68
Miller, Ron & Katrin Thompson Station, TN 37179 189th 6/67-2/68
Miller, Ronald O. & Nancy Loma, TN 38468 kora@lorettotel.net 189th 10/68-10-69
Miller, Steve Tuscaloosa, AL 35406-1406 millerracingblue@aol.com 189th May-69
Million, Charles (Chuck) & Sophia Raymondville, MO 65555 million90250@yahoo.com 189th 6/70-11/70
Mills, John F. Malone, NY 12953 jmills3@twcny.rr.com 189th 70-71
Minnott, Robert G. Seattle, WA 98112-4739 bob@rgm-associates.com 189th 24381
Mitchell, George Norlina, NC 27563 189th 69-70
Mixter, Burt & Jan Wheaton, IL 60187 drydock6@gmail.com 189th 1/67-9/67
Monosmith, Tom Pueblo, CO 81004 tmwine44@yahoo.com 189th 70-71
Monroe, Richard C. & Gay Grand Haven, MI 49417-8739 189th 5/67-1969
Moon, Robert Moline, IL 61265 189th 1967
Morey, Jeffery & Denise Manheim, PA 17545 189th 7/66-6/67
Morgan, George & Rita Tucson, AZ 85750-0978 georgeam6246@gmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Munsell, David Cottage Grove, OR 97424 davidmunsell587@gmail.com 189th 4/68-4/69
Murray, Albert D. & Connie Cabot, PA 16023 clmeven@yahoo.com 189th 7/69-7/70
Murray, Howard & Jeannie College Station, TX 77845 ham@themurrayranch.com 189th 6/68-4/69
Natal, Gerald A. Madera, CA 93638-8888 189th 12/69-12-70
Neeley, Dennis, Kathy Milford, CT 06460 189th 1/69-9/69
Nelson, Arthur F. & Donna Harviel, MO 63945 189th 10/67-10/68
Neyer, Eugene G.  & DeElla Aurora, MO 65605 189th 7/70-12/70
Niren, John Palmdale, CA 93552 jniren@yahoo.com 189th 10/66-3/68
Oberle, Frank & Judy Novinger, MO 63559 Oberle@nemr.net 189th 2/69-6/70
Olson, Randy Bas Address 189th 4/68-12/69
Opdahl, Terry G. & Judith Redondo Beach, CA 90277 mrtopdahl@aol.com 189th 68-69
Packman, Jon & Linda San Antonio, TX 787216 jpackman@satx.rr.com 189th 8/68-8/69
Pearson, William & Laurie Seattle, WA 98121-2574 189th 5/69-5/70
Peacock, William R (Bill) peacock@comcast.net 189th Feb-68
Perdue, Robert Victoria, TX 77904 perdue@aol.com 189th 68-69
Perez, George C. & Sarah Smithfield, VA 23430-5958 189th 12/68-12/69
Perry, Earl & Connie Mt Vernon, OR 97865 perry@ortelco.net 604th 3/68-6/68
Peters, Carl & Debbie Groveland, CA  95321 cpeters00059@yahoo.com 189th 7/67-2/68
Peterson, Christian & Sigrid Bellingham, WA 98226 chrissig1@comcast.net 189th 3/68-3/69
Pickens, Dave & Darlene Uniontown, OH 44685 vet22b@yahoo.com 189th 11/69-11/70
Pilibosin, Emil & Cyntha Belle Mead, NJ 08502 ephilibosian@aol.com 52 Pathfinders 11/69-12/70
Plath, Harry L. & Claudette Jackson, GA 30233 beccaterpening@att.net 189th 12/68-12/69
Price, Terry T. Bulverde, TX 78163 189th 5/67-5/68
Primer, Lawrence & Gail Toms River, N.J. 08753 primmersen@yahoo.com 189th 7/68-5/69
Pruitt, Raymmond Savannah, GA 31405 rtpruitt@yahoo.com 189th  4/69-10/70
Purdy, John New Milford, CT 06776 189th
Quayle, Douglas Portland, OR 97217 189th
Ray, Derry Monroe, MI 48161-9010 ghostrider2748@yahoo.com 189th 69-70
Raymond, Milton $ Robin Shapleigh, ME 04076-3044 189th 12/68-12/69
Reed, Thomas & Connie Saint Louisville, OH 43071 189th 67-68
Reisinger, Charles & Dolores Loysville, PA 17047 cnreisinger@yahoo.com 604th 5/68-5/69
Remsburg, Jim Niceville, FL 32588-0792 604th
Renfroe, Mike & Paula Ariton, AL 36311-5374 189th 5/69-5/70
Reny, Donald & Barbara Williamsburg, VA 23185 189th 1967
Reynolds, Barry & Tammy Albany, IL 61230 189th 9/67-11/69
Rice, William Fresno, CA 93720 williamr@csufresno.edu 189th
Riemer, Jim & Pam Cumberland, WI 54829 jriemer000@gmail.com 189th 11/66-3/68
Ring, Mike & Jackie Hamburg, NY 14075 mr99out@aol.com 189th 67-68
Robertazzi, Randolph (Randy) Pleasantville, NY 10570 markr4781@gmail.com 189th
Roberston, Seth Deerfield, NH 03037-0262 189th 9/67-9/69
Rohlfing, William A. & Lynne Clarkston, MI 48348 therohlfings@gmail.com 189th 9/68-9/69
Roller, Dick L. & Shannon Peru, IN 46970-8859 189th 69-70
Ronyak, Mike & Pat Olympia, WA 98501 mronyak@earthlink.net 189th 1968
Rosenbaum, Kenneth L. Helena, MO 59602-7904 189th 5/70-3/71
Ross, William "Bill" Anniston, AL 36206 wross1003@att.net 189th 12/69-12/70
Ross, Ed Beardstown IL 62618 189th 8/70-10/71
Ross, Gary & Anne Barnhart, MO 63012 gwross48@att.net 189th 6/68-2/69
Rostine, Jim & Rose Prescott, AZ 86301-5898 jprhelopilot@yahoo.com 189th 70-71
Russell, Loy & Ruby Taylor, SC 29687-6407 loyviking@aol.com 189 & 604th 9/68-9/69
Russo, Richard & Maureen Fremont, NH 03011-3066 189th 1/69-8/69
Ryan, Don & Mary Raynham, MA 02767 donar781@gmail.com 189th 9/67-5/70
Ryan, Milton & Cosette Haymarket, VA 20169-3135 189th 70-71
Sale, David & Candy Mesa, AZ 85207 davesale64@gmail.com 189th 5/67-11/67
Salonich, John & Linda Nici Pelham, NH 03076-2236  vanya189@yahoo.com 189th 5/70-12/70
Sanders, Bob D. & Janice Oklahoma City, OK  73170-2640 189th 1969
Sandlin, Gerry & Bobbye Vinemont, AL 35179 gerry.sandlin@gmail.com 189th 11/66-5/68
Saunders, William (Bill) & Marianne Rockingham, VA 22801 wsaunders1004@yahoo.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Sausville, Towney & Wendy Oceanside, CA 92057 towney@towen.us 189th 1/69-8/70
Savage, Richard &Lauren Schenectady, NY 12309 rsavage@nycap.rr.com
Sawyer, Steve & Madge Fountain, CO 80817-1652 189th
Schenk, John & Flor Roselle, IL 60172-3803 johnsch3@yahoo.com 189th 11/66-3/68
Schiemann, Ed & Debbie Rochester, MI 48306-1239 edschiemann@aol.Com 189th 3/70-9/70
Schmidt, Fred & Cherie Bennington, NE 68007 fredncherbear@gmail.com 189 & 604th 67-68
Schmidt, Steve & Beth Streetman, TX 75859 wwjdreverchon@sbcglobal.net 189th 11/66-5/68
Schroeder, Ted & Carol Wilbur, WA  99185    604th 68-69
Seago, Jerry & Barbara Hillsborough, NC 27278 jerryseago@yahoo.com 189th 10/68-10/69
Sena, Al Owasso, OK 74055 alsena@cox.net 189th 1970
Sewell, Lee E. & Patsy Thaxton, MS 38871 leesewell@msn.com 189th 67-68
Shanahan, Tom Fountain Hills, AZ 85268-4522 shanahan00@me.com 189th 66-67
Shiver, Eustice & Judy Milton, FL 32571-9495 shiverjudy@aol.com 189th 9/67-10/67
Shoemaker, Tony & Cheryl Las Vegas, NV 89131 retiredtandc@gmail.com 189th 67-68
Simmons, Ty & Jane Aurora, IL 60506 ty.simmons@comcast.net 189th 70-71
Sjoholm, Carl Salem, OR 97306 189th 6/68-10/68
Smith, Lawrence Rowland Heights, CA 91748 avenger8@aol.com 189th 11/68-10-69
Smith, Robert C. (Bob) Burnsville, MN 55306-5462 smithrobert513@yahoo.com 189th 10/66-6/67
Snow, William T. & Diane Waterford, MS 38685 189th 4/69-4/70
Sorenson, Peter & Brenda South Haven, MI 49090 189th 4/70-12/70
Sottile, Joseph & Lori Chandler, AZ 95226 jsottilejr@gmail.com 189th 1970
Spann, David & Dottie Lake Charles, LA 70605 189th 1970
Speer, Dave Fort Worth, TX 76132-6211 speertx@gmail.com 189th 11/68-10/69
Sperry, Brooks G. Lodi, CA 95240 bsperry@mac.com 189th 1/67-10/67
Sperry, Terry L. & Jackie Quitaque, TX 79255 schragec@gmail.com 189th 4/69-4/70
Spofford, Carl & JoAnn Savannah, GA 31405 spoffca1@gmail.com 189th 67-68
Stark, Randy San Jose, CA 95120 189th 1967
Steinbrunn, Robert & Barbara Phelps, WI 54554-9332 bsteinipms@aol.com 189th 10/67-10/68
Stempky, Tom P. Saline, MI 48176-9502 189th 68-69
Sterner, Bill & Allison Collegeville, PA 19426 bstinger292@yahoo.com 189th 2/69-2/70
Stoddard, Paul P. & Elizibeth Middletown, DE 19709 189th 10/67-10/68
Stufflebean, Bob & Debbie Rockport, TX 78382 oldcw2@gmail.com 189th 10/67-9/68
Sullivan, Spencer F. & Natalie Plainfield, NJ 07060 Sull727@gmail.com 189th May 68 -Oct 68
Swanson, David & Patricia Ann Denton, TX 76201 189th 68-69
Swift, Robert & Janice Boulder City, NV 89006 bctenfour@aol.com 604th 11/66-5/68
Taylor, Barry & Rose Felton, PA 17322 577th Eng
Taylor, Bob E. & Dale Hollywood, MD 20636 bdtaylor_2000@yahoo.com 189 & 604th 3/68-5/69
Thomas, Charles (Chuck) Santa Ana, CA 92704 ct.paratrooper@gmail.com 189th 4/68-10/68
Thompson, Wade & Rebecca Madison, AL 35758 wade.thompson@wyle.com 189 & 604th 9/67-9/68
Tillman, Clarence  Detroit, MI 48203 189th 1970
Tipton, Larry E & Kathy Green Mountain, NC  28740 189th 67-68
Trujillo, Eppie & Lynda West Jordan, UT 84084 eppiet@msn.com 189th 7/70-12/70
Tschiniak, Pete Peru, IN 46970-8380 pjtschiniak@comcast.net 189th 1967
Turner, David E.  OAKLAND CA 94605 davt@prodigy.net  189th 3/67-5/68
Twomey, James M. & Wanda Park City, KS 67219-1580 jt2me@cox.net 519th 12/79-11/70
Ushakoff, Walt & Peteranne Monterey, CA 93940 zsopa@sbcglobal.net 189th 2/69-3/70
VanderStoep, Curtis F. & Pixie Lakeville, MN 55044 stoep47@gmail.com 189th 3/70-1/71
Waite, Darrell Logandale, NV 89021 dawaite@comnett.net 189th 11/66-11/67
Walsh, Bruce & Deborah Bluffton, SC 29910-6309 189th
Ward, Jack & Linda Caledonia, MI 49316-9139 pleiku6869@gmail.com 189th 12/68-1/70
Wede, Jeff Fresno, CA 93722-2565 jeff.wede@gmail.com 604th 5/67-2/68
Weeks, Don Montesano, WA  98563-9509 donnandbarbara@olynet.com 189th 10/67-11/67
Wiest, Craig & Janet Mapleton, IL 61547 wiest@telstar-online.net 189th 10/69-10/70
Welch, Lonnie & Pat Denham Springs, LA 70726-7718 ljwelch_2000@yahoo.com 189th 11/66-5/68
White, Daniel & Susan Humeston, IA 50123 189th 1/70-12/70
Wilkie, David & Shirley Prior Lake, MN 55372 selexxaman@msn.com 604th 11/66-4/68
Willett, Stephen M. & Sharon Tallahasee, FL 32311 stephen.willett@gmail.com 189th 4/70-11/70
Williams, Bradley R. (Brad)  Dexter, MO 63841-8382 bmwilli@yrless.net 189th 6/67-6/68
Williams, & Colleen Vida, OR 97488 cpwmd1@gmail.com 189th 10/67-5/68
Williams, Walker & Scotta Littleton, CO 80127-5524 189th
Wilson, Joe & Wanda Henderson, NV 89011 wjjseans@gmail.com 189th 2/69-2/70
Winterrath, Roger Turin, GA 30289 heyrogerwint@aol.com 189th 67-68
Witt, Robert J. & Maryjane Oyster Bay, NY 11771-3533 189th 3/68-3/69
Wittke, Donald E. (Don) & kathy Draper, UT 84020 ghostrider20@me.com 189th 3/68-3/69
Womack, Eugene (Gene) & Yuriko Fortuna, CA 95540 powmia1971@gmail.com 189th 7/70-12/70
Wood, James Freeport, FL 32439 jdaviewood1@hotmail.com 189th 1/70-12/70
Woods, Stephen A. St Louis, MO 63115 189th 3/68-2/72
Wooten, Peter Monroe, CT 06470-2484
Ytsen, Mike & Donna Bartlett. IL 60103-1872 dmy1274@aol.com 189th 2/68-7/68
Yoeman, Carl & Sandy Bath, NY 14810 189th 1970
Yood, Richard & Penelope Tallahassee, FL 32309 oldmanyood@gmail.com 189th 4/67-9/67
York, Dave & Doris Louisville, KY 40245-5041 189th
Zima, Ronald & Susan Lena, WI 54139-9157 189th
Updated 10/14/24
People with no contact
Albert, Hans & Faith
Alfred, Kelly
Altop, Jack
Araan, Richard N.
Arriaga. ?
Arroga, Arthur
Babean, Kris
Bagley, Robert
Bainey, Daniel
Baker, Robert T.
Ballowe, Howard
Barnes, Raymond
Barney, Gary
Batson, Ronald
Baum, Bradford E. Dothan, Alabama 36303
Beeler, Wayne
Belliveau, Albert F.
Belt, James
Bennett, Robert L. 
Berner, Harold E.  
Binder, Robert & Linda
Boilard, Noe
Brady, Dave
Brennen, Dave
Brice, Michael (Mike)
Bright (Gray) Ronald L.
Bulla, Roger & Linda
Bunker, Stephen L. (Steve) & Candy
Bush, Donald
Cassidy, Bob
Carraway, Roy
Carter, James M.
Clayton, David
Collins, Ron
Conley, James R.
Cravey, Michael
Crippen, Lawrence
Dard, Paul
Davis, Patrick
Dilmore, Dale
Dixon, George
Dobson, Craig "Dobber"
Dotson, Albert C.
Dowd, Roy A.
Durham, Bill
Echols, George
Ellington, Roy
Elliott, Thomas
Eshleman, Bill
Falkenstrom, Jim
Farnan, Charles
Fink, Alan
Frederick, Kirk
Freeman, Don L.
Furlong, James
Gale, Gary R.
Garrison, Geroge L.
Garza, Jesus F. & Yolanda
Gatewood, Randal
Gaylog, Mike
Glover, Thomas N.
Glass, Rick
Gleason, Bill
Gonzales, Daniel
Gott, Thomas
Grant, Terry
Gunning, Harry
Guy, Roy & Katharina
Hansen, Jim
Hanson, Bruce (Scotty) & Judy
Hanson, Steven
Harding, Michael
Hardwick, Lawson Jr.
Hassell, Garry & Cheri
Hendrichsen, Harald
Henslee, Joe D.
Hilgort, Charles
Hodges, Ben
Holtzclaw, Jim
Hook, Ronald G.
Huffman, Stephen B.
Jackie, Thomas
Johnston, Bruce & Judith
Jones, Charles
Kasarda, Andrew R.
Keister, Brett
Keller, Bob
Keyes, Robert E. & Helen
Kramer, Michael
Lambert, Mack
Lawson, Kirby
Lebrum, Bob
Lee, Billy
Lee, Doyle E.
Lehman. Paul
Lehotsky, Peter K.
Lillibridge, Dick
Lincoln, Richard & Lois
Lumpkin, William
Malcoff, Eugene (Pete)
Malcoff, Eugene
Malkoff, Pete
Marley, Thomas
Mawby, Allan C.  
May, William
McCandless, Paul
McConnell, Charles
McKenna, Willie
Meyers, Michael
Mims, Gerald
Morrison, Robert N.
Muniz, Joe
Myers, Hamilton J.
Neimier, Steve
Neumann, Sam & Carol
Neyer, Eugen G. Jr.
Nordquist, Glen W.
Nugyen, Hoang
Owens, Jim
Parks, Perry & Gale
Parsons, Curtis
Peacock, William R. (Bill)
Pettit, John A
Phillips, Joseph & Judi
Pospisil, Anton F.
Qualles, John
Ratliff, John P.
Raym, Marrion N.
Reed, Douglas
Reisinger, Chuck
Reynolds, Robert E.
Roberts, John
Roberts, John R.
Robertzazzi, Randolph
Rockwell, Bud
Rosenbaum, Kenneth L.
Price, William G. III & Vickie
Qualles, John
Ratliff, John P.
Raym, Marrion N.
Reed, Douglas
Reisinger, Chuck
Reynolds, Robert E.
Roberts, John
Roberts, John R.
Robertzazzi, Randolph
Rockwell, Bud
Rosenbaum, Kenneth L.
Rowe, Gary & Roxanne
Sanders, Larry J.
Schaetten, Gene & Charlene
Schaaf, Jay A.
Schieman, E.M.
Schindeldecker, Donald
Schrader, Jim
Shaw, Ken
Sherrell, Carl R.
Shields, Jim
Shirley, Frederick
Smith, Charles W.
Smith, Jerald
Steinback, Joe
Stephens, Harold
Stevens, Grady & Sally
Steward, Jesse
Stineman, Robert
Stockton, Patrick D.
Stringer, Francis E.
Sulivan, Arthur G
Swickard, Jack
Thomas, Dave
Thomas, Michael
Truong, Ba
Veal, William
Vega, Robert & Mary
Vo, Loung
Waggoner, William E.
Waladen, Karl
Walchli, Tom
Webster, Jerry
Webster, John J.
White, Alfred B.
Whitehouse, William J.

189th AHC